Best Countries In AFRICA for Safari Adventures


Ravin KumarOct 27, '2025 comments

BOTSWANA SAFARIS: OF DESERTS AND FLOODPLAINS Roughly a quarter of beautiful Botswana is reserved for conservation and tourism. You will literally have a field day on safari. Welcome to Botswana! This 581,730 km2 (224,607 mi2) Southern African gem is nestled between Namibia and Zimbabwe with South Africa to its south...


Ravin KumarOct 27, '20

HAVE ZAMBIA’S WILDERNESS ALL TO YOURSELF In Zambia, a tangible sliver of the past, you walk to the beat of a different drum. Here, time ticks in an authentic African. Nowadays, this beautiful untamed country is making a name for itself as a must-go safari destination. So, what makes a...


Ravin KumarOct 27, '20

KENYA – HOME OF THE FIRST SAFARI Those who arrive at the spring first, drink the purest water.” This Kenyan saying is one of our favorites at TAG Safari. The saying is drawn from everyday life in this majestic African country and might just be the nudge you need to...

South Africa

Ravin KumarOct 27, '20

SOUTH AFRICAN SAFARIS: THE WORLD IN ONE COUNTRY Those who arrive at the spring first, drink the purest water.” This Kenyan saying is one of our favorites at TAG Safari. The saying is drawn from everyday life in this majestic African country and might just be the nudge you need...